Below you will find information on courses in the medical programs, bioinformatics, and crystallography and materials science.
Chemistry in medical studies
Master's degree programs in chemistry and materials science and bioinformatics
The 5 CP module consists of a 2 SWS lecture and a computer lab of 3 days. The events take place in the winter semester. The lecture takes place partly electronically and partly in presence. The lecture is held in English. The practical course usually takes place directly after the end of the lecture period. The module replaces the module ”Biophysical Methods“ listed in the module description of the MSc Bioinformatics, which is currently read.
To learn the basics and methods of protein crystallography and apply them in practice.
By means of the method of X-ray crystallography the spatial structures of organic molecules, inorganic solids as well as biological macromolecules can be determined to atomic resolution. In the lecture the basics of these methods relevant for natural scientists are taught in a practical way. The emphasis is on biocrystallography. Topics covered include: Crystallization, crystals, symmetry and space groups, X-ray sources and detectors, data collection, diffraction of X-rays and neutrons, phase problem, phasing and phase refinement, structure solution of low molecular weight compounds using Patterson function and direct methods, structure solution of biomolecules using molecular replacement, heavy atom replacement and anomalous dispersion, model building and
structure visualization, structure refinement, validation and interpretation, comparison to structure determination using NMR or CryoEM.
The teaching materials will be made available for download via a password protected web link. Information will be provided in the first lecture or by email.
News and results
The results of the written exam and current information will be communicated by posting on the password-protected website. After handing in the protocol for the practical course, the grade will be entered in AlmaWeb.