Research Profile

The wide-ranging research portfolio at the Centre includes current research and development priorities based on high-tech platforms. The focus is on health research, bioeconomy, materials research, environmental analysis and microsystems technology with aspects of digitisation.

Research Groups

Professors and research group leaders from six faculties of the university are members of the Centre for Biotechnology and Biomedicine.

Technology Lines

Combining infrastructures and the expertise of BBZ scientists, established method and equipment pools provide a basis for interdisciplinary cooperation.

Supporting Early Career Researchers

The Centre for Biotechnology and Biomedicine attaches great importance to supporting early career researchers. Junior scientists are trained in cutting-edge technologies and methods and qualified for both industrial research and academic excellence.

Partners and Cooperation

In its capacity as a biotechnology network, the BBZ collaborates with academic and industrial partners in a diverse range of fields at the local, regional, national and international level, in order to strengthen Leipzig as a centre of science and business.

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